a banner. it says thank god the pndemic is over in a pixelated font and there are skeleton hands praying.

PANDEMIC ZINE is a free monthly zine about the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

the zine is made on the land of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation. sovereignty was never ceded and this always was, always will be Aboriginal Land.

where to read online

where to read IRL

a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a rainbow background a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a pink background with hearts a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a purple starry background. a rainbow star dances next to the text. a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a green background. there is a little pot plant beside the text. a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a blue background. there are rainclouds either side of it. a blinkie that says 'keep each other safe' over a black background. the border is of rainbox pixels.

who makes this zine?

thank god the pandemic is over is made by me, writer and zinester Alison Evans (they/them). you can find more of my work on my author website and my other zines on my etsy.

you can get in touch at thankgodzine@proton.me or send a letter to PO Box 8012, Reservoir, Vic 3073, Australia

an @ symbol rotating over the word 'email'. a gif of a letter being written, put in an envelope and sent to a mailbox.

PANDEMIC ZINE used to be called 'thank god the pandemic is over' but I changed the name in 2024 because i realised no one understood the sarcasm. I also wanted to get rid of the bitterness of the title. Now it just does what it says on the tin.

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